Friday, April 8, 2016

Growing in "Kinder-Garden!"

Dear families,
During the past two weeks, we have been very busy "growing" here in Kindergarten! We have been learning all about how plants grow, and what to do in order to successfully grow a plant.

We experimented with hands-on learning on Monday, as we planted our very own sunflower seeds! Each child shoveled some soil into a cup and put some sunflower seeds in the soil. We talked about the importance of taking care of our plants. Each student waters his/her plant every morning, and makes an observation about any changes that have occurred within the plant. 

Additionally, this week we have been working very hard on completing our very own informative posters, in which we explain how to plant a seed. Each student has created their very own poster complete with pictures, labels, and the steps to take in order to plant a seed. The finished products will be posted on the blog next week. In the meantime, please take a look at some pictures below to see some snapshots of your scientist in action!! 

Putting the "FUN" in Fundations!

Practicing reading our poems with fluency! 

Thank you Mrs. McSweeney for being our Mystery Reader!

Guiding Questions:
-Ask your child about planting a seed. What did he/she like the most about planting a seed?
-Ask your child what does a seed need in order to grow?
-Has your child's plant changed at all so far? If so, what happened?
-What are the steps to plant a seed? What do you do first, second, third, etc.? 
-How will your child take care of his/her sunflower plant?
-What were your child's predictions about his/her sunflower? How tall does your child think it will grow? How long did your child think it take for their sunflower to sprout? 
-Ask your child about this week's mystery reader. 
-Say some words with short and long vowels. Ask your child to tell you if the vowel sound is short or long!

Looking Ahead:
-Next week, we will focus on Earth Day, which is on April 22nd. We will learn about the different things we can do to help protect our Earth.
-We will begin our next Topic in Math; Topic 12: Measurement.
-Be on the lookout for our finished posters on How to Plant a Seed, which will be on the blog next week!
-Don't forget, there is no school April 18th-22nd.

Enjoy the weekend!

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